Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drunvalo: Prophecies from the Heart

Drunvalo Melchizedek and The Prophecies From The Heart

This recent film presents Drunvalo Melchizedek, best known for his contributions to our understanding of the human lightbody (MerKaBa) and sacred geometry, discussing a wide range of topics that are central to our collective and spiritual evolution. Topics include, the origins of Creation from a Melchizedek and Christ perspective, the imminent dimensional change that is upon us, Earth kundalini energy and its effect on human consciousness, the Fibonacci spiral and how life uses it for evolution in the physical plane and an uplifting message for an uncertain humanity as we enter a period of both great change and transformation.

This film will be found controversial for some, uplifting for others. But it provides a fresh perspective on the prophesied coming changes in a way that those who choose to do their own research will find validating. Perhaps most compelling are the indigenous perspectives on entering the heart and our need to learn a non-polarized way of creating our Reality.

The Mayans have retained the cultural memory of the last dimensional shift on the planet 13,000 ago. But they also have the memory of the previous one, 26,000 years ago. This gives them a memory of both ascending and descending cycles of consciousness and what is needed to successfully pass through it. According to the Maya, when these shifts occurred previously, great loss of life was unnecessarily experienced by humanity because they were in fear. The Maya and certain other indigenous cultures said that when one enters into the heart in a certain way, at that time they are able to ride with the shift in consciousness and bring their bodies and memories of the previous cycle (age) with them. They say this is imminently upon us now and they wish to spare the rest of humanity from needlessly repeating what happened before. In addition, they say the old ways of the tribes and indigenous peoples and the way of the so-called “modern” peoples must unite together; that unless we can find a way to honor and respect the planet and re-discover this forgotten aspect of ourselves as an expression of the divine, then neither culture can advance. In other words, we need them as much as they need us.

If you will notice, for the last few decades now, previously secret traditions, knowledge and techniques have been released from various cultures openly to the world. They all say basically the same thing: “Because its time. All the different peoples are in this together and we have a way that has worked for us.” They have released these teachings in order to help the upliftment of a planet that needs to remember whom they are in time to make the leap they say is coming.

Drunvalo Melchizedek uses the ‘Flower of Life’ as a blueprint to explain the many changes that are coming in 2012, and how to be ready to integrate the magnificent transformations that can happen in your life. 2012: The Prophecies From the Heart gives you the keys to unify your mind, heart and spirit and to reach the highest levels of enlightenment by embracing the divine in your life.

The future is not to be feared, it is the natural progression. We are moving toward unity consciousness ... let go and go for the ride.

View It Now On YouTube:

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Those of you who are familiar with Drunvalo Melchizedek know that he was sent to this planet with specific missions to fulfill — and one of them was to assist the Great Mother in a transition process that only comes around every thirteen-thousand years. 'The Serpent of Light' is Drunvalo's account of what it has taken to shift the Kundalini of the planet from the White Pyramid of Tibet to its new home high in the mountains of Chile. The movement of this root force will open the space for the female frequency to reign over the next 13,000-year cycle.

Changes of this magnitude do not happen overnight — and the work that goes into bringing them about is a labor of love — love for all life, everywhere. In his efforts to ease the planet through the Great Shift of the Ages, Drunvalo's labors have taken him all over the world. These magical mystery tours involved working on the inner planes, in specific locations, at specific times, to bring about outer changes that are vital to the Earth's activation process, and to all of us as we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar.

When you open 'The Serpent of Light', be prepared to enter a realm where miraculous events are the order of the day. As you read along your awareness of the miraculous will be heightened by the realization that all of these synchronicities actually happened in real time. Drunvalo's description of each journey reads like a cross between Don Juan, The Lord of the Rings, and an Indiana Jones adventure story — the only difference is, 'The Serpent of Light' isn't a fantasy tale — every word in this book is true.

The people who traveled with Drunvalo, and witnessed these miracles, will be reminded of their contribution to this work, and of things that happened along the way that they may have forgotten about, or were not even aware of at the time. Fortunately, Drunvalo wrote this book, not just for the ones who were there, or for those who follow his teachings, but for everyone — anyone who reads 'The Serpent of Light' will be stirred to the core by wonders that make it clear that there is much more to this reality than meets the eye — and by the realization that something deep is reawakening in the heart of the Great Mother. That same force is alive inside each one of us now. As our hearts open to embrace it, our beautiful planet will move out of the darkness, into the Age of Light.

Anyone who dreams of the possibility of a new and better world will rejoice when they read this book — don't miss 'The Serpent of Light' — it is Drunvalo at his best.

"Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our heart.

"What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind? Don’t I know this world where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens? Yes, I do. But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are.

"You are more than a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious co-creation. If you give me permission, I will show what has been shown to me."

— Drunvalo Melchizedek