Thursday, January 1, 2009

Exercise Your Right For Health Freedom Now!

Humanitarian, Jim Humble
Breakthrough: The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century

This Breakthrough can save your life, or the life of a loved one.

Please read.

This is an image of a model of a chlorine dioxide ion (CLO2 ). It is the secret to this new mineral. It is the most powerful killer of disease pathogens known to mankind, and that is a known fact.

The answer to AIDS, hepatitis A,B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind's worse diseases has been found. Many diseases are now easily controlled. More that 75,000 disease victims have been included in the field tests in Africa. Scientific clinical trials have been conducted in a prison in the country of Malawi, East Africa.

Separate tests conducted by the Malawi government produced identical 99% cure results. Over 60% of the AIDS victims that were treated in Uganda were well in 3 days, with 98% well within one month. More than 90% of the malaria victims were well in 4 to 8 hours. Dozens of other diseases were successfully treated and can be controlled with this new mineral supplement. It also works with colds, flu, pneumonia, sore throats, warts, mouth sores, and even abscessed teeth (it's the only thing that controls and cures abscessed teeth).

The inventor believes that this information is too important to the world that any one person or any group should have control. The free e-book download gives complete details of this discovery. Please help make sure that it gets to the world free. There are many medical facts that have been suppressed and this invention must not be added to that list. The name of the e-book is The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. This book tells the story of the discovery, and how to make and use it. This book can save your life. Give it a try.

Download Part I FREE

Although Part I of the e-book tells everything, there is a second Part that gives more details and covers the data more thoroughly. There is a small charge for the second book to cover the distribution. Extra money from these sales will go towards humanitarian efforts in Africa, which will in the long run benefit the world.

Humanitarian, Jim Humble's very important message to Americans, and to the world, for 2009:

MMS and Freedom Strategy
Please understand, if we don’t do something right away we will lose the right to use MMS, and worse, the right to even use Vitamin C, other vitamins, minerals, and most other nutrients without a prescription from a Doctor. The MMS won’t even be available through a doctor.

Of course, the government may ax our operation at any time, but the actual date we already have is December 31, 2009. That’s when the Codex law is supposed to go into effect. That’s the date when we lose the right to all vitamins and minerals except through a doctor.

Freedom comes at the price of forever vigilance and it seems that health freedom comes at the same price, and so far we haven’t paid it. On the 31th of December 2009, if nothing is done, not only do we lose the right to have vitamins, but the law will read that all food that is shipped more than a small number of miles must be irradiated. So, most of our food will have most of the food value destroyed before it gets to us. If things continue as they are, it will have happened without even a whimper from us.

If you want to check my accuracy go look on the Internet. Search Google for Codex Alimentarius, but don’t get mixed up and read Codex Sinaiticus. That’s a Christian Bible written in Greek. In Google you will see Codex Alimentarius is the first listing when you search Google for Codex. It is the official site of WHO (the World Health Organization). It’s that organization that is pushing the Codex law on us. It’s a United Nations group. Just start reading about it. You will see.

But you see, it’s our fault. We are allowing them to do it. We are not protecting our freedoms. As it sets, most of us watch the boob tube with a can of beer in one hand; with confidence that nothing out side of our house will ever hurt us. But that has always been just an illusion. So let me suggest one course of action that you can take that will also make a difference in our situation. AND you really can make a difference in people’s lives.

Everyday people call me and email me about how MMS is making a difference in their lives. I’ve had more than 2000 phone calls in the last year from people taking MMS, and more than 8000 emails. More than ½ million people are now using MMS, but that’s not nearly enough to ensure that they will not be able to stop it. Anyone that you know that is sick from almost anything you can think of can be helped with MMS.

You can make a difference in people’s lives right now merely by telling them where to buy my book or where to buy MMS. Ninety five people out of a hundred who read this Web Site knows at least one person who can be helped with MMS. That means you. If you stop and think, you will think of at least one person you know that has some kind of a disease, maybe you know a lot more people. You can make a difference mere by saying, “Hey, read this book.” I’m talking about, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century. I’m not getting rich. I’m not selling MMS in the US.

The money from my book finances the continued MMS Movement as I talk with people and encourage people throughout the world to use it and help others. There are several ways you can do this. Number one way is merely by telling people. If they are sick visit them. If they are in the hospital, visit them and mention MMS and that they can use some soon as they are out of the hospital, or if you got the guts you could see that they get some anyway. You can make some up (activate it with citric acid) add some juice to it, and put it in a coke bottle. It will last for at least 8 hours in a coke bottle. Be a worker for mankind for a while, at least until we have beaten the enemy. MMS will not interfere with their medication or hurt them. Just start with a small dose of one drop or so.

The next way is to join my Web Site as an Affiliate. You can get paid eleven dollars (50%) from each book you sell and you don’t have to collect the money or deliver the book. We need you, your country needs you, and mankind needs you. We have a true emergency. Learn about it. There are those among the elite that want to kill 80% to 90% of mankind. It’s no secret. They state it openly. We may be the first to go. All the new diseases that are being created are part of that project. MMS is effective against most of those diseases when the correct protocol is used. To become an affiliate click here .

Further strategy: Once people realize that MMS actually works they won’t put up with being denied it by the government. So that means we have got to get it out to millions of people. People really want to be healthy. That’s part of being happy. If 50% of the people who come to this site were to go sell 10 books, and convince those people that they should sell 10 books, that would do the job. But that won’t happen unless people wake up. Some people are beginning to wake up. How about you?

Do you realize the severity of the situation? If you do, you will help, because your life is on the line. At the very least, your way of life is on the line. You could live out the rest of your life as a slave. That might be possible. But I guarantee that millions of lives are on the line and possibly yours, but there is no doubt at all that your way of life is on the line.

You will eat food that has little nutritional value, and your doctor will only be able to prescribe small amounts of vitamins and minerals. MMS will be considered a terrorist offense to even have it in your house. It would be up to 20 year offense to have bottles of MMS present. They like long sentences because prisons are profit making operations. Guess who pays the profit, YOU, the public. America has a higher percentage of people in prison than any other country in the world.

But nutrition is just a tip of the iceberg. Using the new terrorists laws the government is confiscating billions of dollars of property, houses, cars, businesses, bank accounts, and other assets, and once confiscated they do not return them even if you are not guilty. There are no court orders, no jury, and no warrants. It doesn’t matter if you are guilty of not, they don’t really care. They have your property and that’s it. The records of all there on the Internet under the dot gov Web Sites.

Look under the new terrorists enacted laws. You may think it only happens to your neighbor or the guy down the street, but all you neighbor has to do is call the FBI and say he thinks you are dealing drugs. That’s all it takes. You lose everything just like in Germany with Hitler.

There are many other groups and speakers now speaking out and there are those working to overcome this situation every day. I’ll work with any of those that I can. Please help me contact those groups. The problem is now and has always been people who believe that freedom is free and that they don’t need to take part in obtaining the freedom. Take part now. Become a part of the answer instead a part of the problem. People want many things and they follow many dreams, but they will always spend their last dollar on their health and their life. Being alive and healthy is the most important part of life. Once the people see what MMS will do they simply will not allow the government to take it away from them. Just let me point out, at this time, the MMS movement can be one of the more important programs for getting our freedom back.

Jim Humble

"Chlorine dioxide is the most powerful killer of germs known to man,” states American Society of Analytical Chemists. Chlorine dioxide has been used in water supplies (completely different from chlorine normally used) throughout the world for over 50 years because it only oxidizes the anaerobic microorganisms. No side effects have been reported in hundreds of thousands of clinical trials and tests. It will not oxidize healthy cells or good bacteria unlike oxygen, ozone, or hydrogen peroxide. It is the only highly selective oxidizer known for inside the human body where it has activity against virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites, and heavy metals. It differentiates “enemies” by their acidity and “friendlies” by their alkalinity thus setting the immune system free of constraints. Excellent supplement for dieting. For internal cleansing MMS is unsurpassed.
