Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Miracle Breath - Returning to Godhood...

The Miracle Breath: Returning to Godhood
by Paula Sunray (1941-2007)
Last of a two-part series

What is the Miracle Breath? After many years as a teacher, counselor and healer, I have come into a place that is quiet, peaceful and relaxed. All of my work now is under one simple umbrella. I call it the Miracle Breath. The Miracle Breath is so profound and so simple that it can become an entire way of life. In a nutshell, it is basically learning how to accept everything just as it is so that we can move past the old world and find the new one.

We learn how to drop our reactive nature and even our inquisitive nature so that we can just let everything be as it is right now. This is called Peace. This is called being Present. This is a state of being that takes us into a space called the Void where Mother/Father principle is present -- where we are whole again, where we are real again, and where we are God again.

Creator Mind
I received the Miracle Breath one day several years ago when I was in my healing room in contemplative meditation after reading a passage in The Course in Miracles. I somehow reached a place that connected with Creator Mind. I received a "thought ball" that contained the instructions for the Miracle Breath. It was almost as though I was tuning in with the Creator who was in the act of doing the Miracle Breath.

From this simple, accidental, momentary experience, I learned the importance of imitating our Creator so that we can rediscover who we are. We can experience the true miracle of waking up -- the miracle of letting the sleeping God within us wake up and be present in this physical world. We can let its mind become the creator of the new world that has been birthed rather than continuing to create from our little personality mind that is stuck in separation from the Big Mind. This is an exciting prospect. It is happening right now and we can create miracles as simply as breathing. We can find our Big Mind again.

Source Creator as dreamer
Source Creator seems to be breathing in and out in a total state of peace, loving acceptance and quiet joy. The mind of Source Creator is a simple one. It is a dreaming Creator, and we are made in that image.

We are dreamers also. We have been living our own little dream based on the idea that we are a physical being in a physical world. But our Source Creator is dreaming grand and glorious things on many other levels. When it dreams, it loves what it dreams. It loves what it dreams so much that it becomes part of the dream. It puts parts and fragments of itself out into its images. This causes waves of consciousness. These waves become particalized when they hit our level of density, and these loving waves of images become manifested and materialized in particles that give us the illusion of physicality and material things just like the dots of light on our TV screens. It is a virtual reality, meaning that it appears as though real people, places, and things are on the TV screen, but we know in actual fact that the only real thing that exists is the entity that is putting the images on the screen. We have come to believe that we are the characters on the screen and we have gotten quite carried away in the scenario, but it is time now to wake up and remember our true identity.

We have created a world of pain and suffering. Our separate little self tends to create dream movies that literally terrorize us with fear and conflict, pain and suffering. Our collective little selves have created a nightmare of virtual hell -- of constant conflict and battles, within and without. We have also created a heavenly haven of many beautiful and wonderful things, especially in the world of music and artistic creativity. It is a world of duality.

The New World
The new dream that we are collectively dreaming is much more harmonious now. The new world ideal is to have both sides of the duality filled with harmony. There will be only harmony running through all things in the new world. We will no longer sense things as separate in the many layers of the mind. There will be just One Mind, One Unified Chakra, One God, which is ourself.

We could say that the world you see with your physical eyes is a past world. It is an illusion that seems to still be present. It is as though the light of its existence is just reaching our eyes even though it is a past world. We must learn how to place our focus of attention on the new world in spite of the illusion that the old one is still present.

There is already peace. There is already harmony. There is already joy -- NOW -- in the new dream. The real Great Mind is breaking through into this realm and is already dreaming its dream, but many of us are not present with it. Wherever we place our focus is what we will experience. We have the choice of two worlds now -- the old one or the new one. Where are you placing your attention?

There is not a wrong or a right, but there is a big difference in the experience that you have, depending upon where you place your attention. We are all waking up together now. The slumbering vast mind of the Creator is waking up and only good things are coming -- only good things are already present.

Helping you now
The Miracle Breath releases the focused attention on the old world and allows you to slip into zero point. Then you can move within to a place called bliss, into the real space of creation, into the real manifesting Mind.

The new dream is a dream of unity and oneness because that is all the Creator can ever be -- unless parts of itself choose to fall asleep. In the creative process, the Creator fragments its own body into many waves and particles of experience, and it loves all parts of itself equally.

It sounds nice on paper, but can I really do it?

Waking up
There are many words written about the waking-up process, many books to read, many paths to follow. It sounds very nice on paper and there are many teachers, healers, and counselors, but there are so very few who are awake and reunited with the Source Mind, which is their one true mind. Why is that?

It is because our binary separate mind -- our little ego personality mind -- has created this entire world of illusion, and it requires our attention to keep it alive. It is a living mass of consciousness that will strongly oppose any idea of us removing our attention from its existence. It cannot live without our energy and attention. It must be fed to stay alive. This is what we call the Great Saboteur. It is the great feeding mind that lives on banquets of pain and suffering based on the idea that we are separate from our Creator. How can we be happy and joyful when we are a partial self that is separated from its true LIFE support system? How can we step out of the feeding process and find our true self again?

We must be present NOW in order to wake up to our whole self again.

The old illusion will continue painfully along its way for a very long time, evolving one slow step at a time, continuing to place attention on irrelevant things. This is not bad; it is simply ignorance. We have been removed from the truth, and there are very few systems that can allow the truth here because the whole system would perish if we removed our attention.

We are all ignorant in the illusion, because the real world is on the other side of the veil. The real world is trying to reach us. It is within us. It is present now. But we are not present now. We are distracted by the little mind that needs to be fed by the little world. We are not present now. We are not calm or peaceful enough to slip and fall into the real mind within.

Awakening is simple
The Miracle Breath is a simple, miraculous and profound tool for awakening and remembering our godhood. The old world of illusion is based on complexity and unending red tape. It doesn't trust anything that is so simple and so present right now. It doesn't believe in the miraculous without tremendous effort. A true miracle happens without our effort. When we stop efforting, we will experience more miracles. We will experience the miracle that WE are.

The path of godhood is not an easy one, but it is a very simple one. It is not an easy one, because we must leave everything we have been and just stop and let everything be as it is so that we can come into the Now Moment. We must stop reacting and worrying. We must stop trying to figure things out. We must get off the spiritual path that leads us to a future. Godhood cannot be found in the little mind that is preoccupied with the idea of a past and future. Godhood is present now. The process is very simple. It is as simple as breathing in and out with full conscious awareness; it is being fully present in a state of relaxed presence. But how many can even do that -- be present enough to breathe with conscious awareness?

When you stop and think about it, we are still pretty much asleep. We must be aware of this and admit to it before we can make any real progress. It helps to belong to a group, which practices conscious awareness on a regular basis. It takes discipline, devotion and much focus to wake up and retrieve your whole self. It must be a priority in one's life, otherwise the whole world will eat you alive with its need to be fed. The choice you make determines not only your own life but the fate of the entire universe. You can awaken now or you can choose the long laborious process of linear awakening. Do you want to be God now or later?

Doing the Miracle Breath
Leave all problems of Earth life outside the door right now. Just for now, allow yourself to be in a neutral space where you can relax, replenish and restore. Your body, mind and spirit need frequent breaks in order to rest and relax. This is crucial not only for optimum health but for the quality of your life in general. The Miracle Breath is a crucial tool for the new Divine Human.

Long Version
Step 1.
Breathe in a deep full breath (from lower abdomen to upper lungs), and then breathe out making a sound through your mouth. Do this at least three times. This releases tension and stress in your body. Really let go.

Step 2. Find a place in the center of yourself and just begin to breathe into this area. As you breathe, begin to relax all the muscles in your body.

Step 3. When you feel totally relaxed, let your Spirit touch the Spirit of the NOW moment. Let yourself be fully present in this now moment in the room where you are sitting. Feel the quality of the NOW moment around you. Once you are fully present to the NOW moment outside yourself, find the NOW moment within yourself. Stay focused deep within yourself.

Step 4. Breathe in saying, "I breathe in the Now Moment." (Feel and experience the present moment within you as you do it). Breathe out saying, "I relax into Peace." (Relax all of your muscles as you breathe out. Imagine that you have been a beach umbrella that has been open, and now you are closing the beach umbrella. (You may also think of yourself as an octopus that is dropping all tentacles to its side).

Step 5. Say to yourself, "I let the world be as it is." Let everything be as it is, including yourself. Let go of any need to control, change, fix or heal anything. Surrender to the silence of the Now Moment ceasing all thinking. Just experience a state of BEING and keep repeating "I let the world be as it is."

Short Version follows
After you have done the full preparation (Long Version) several times, you will be able to go to the relaxed place within at any time of day, no matter where you are or what you are doing, and you will simply be able to repeat the two sentences of the Miracle Breath:

"I breathe in the Now Moment" (focus deep within yourself).
"I relax into Peace" (surrender into peace, relaxing all muscles and dropping all tentacles).

What it does
The simple practice of the Miracle Breath can bring about profound changes in your life. It centers you within and aligns your body with your spirit. It can significantly reduce stress and therefore can be useful in reducing or preventing illness in your body. Since you are dropping your negative reactions to the outside world, it can significantly improve your relationships, and it can significantly increase your level of self-acceptance and self-worth.

The Miracle Breath has a detoxifying effect on the physical body, as well as the mental body. It reduces negative emotion significantly, therefore you have fewer negative experiences. It helps to integrate the old brain and the new brain and brings you into the NOW moment.

The Miracle Breath affects your material surroundings in a positive way and affects other people in a positive way. Because it follows the laws of the universe, it creates a new space for abundance, inner peace and general well-being. It disconnects cords with other people and disconnects you from past problems and future worries. Most importantly, it connects you with your Higher Mind so that you can hear your own inner guidance.

It can accelerate spiritual growth and healing on all levels. Used correctly, it can slow down time and the aging process. It takes you to zero point, where duality merges into oneness. It not only activates your own divinity, it keeps you centered within your divinity during your daily activities.

If everyone practiced the miracle breath for just a few minutes every day, it would change the world! As one who practices the Miracle Breath, you can have a big impact on transforming our world from a place of fear and limitation to a place of peace and abundant wholeness.

Recommended Materials:
1. Eckhart Tolle's books: A New Earth, Stillness Speaks, The Power of Now and Practicing the Power of Now, and also his videos and tapes, online at
2. Any book by Leonard Jacobson, online at
3. The Tobias channelings of Geoffrey Hoppe, online at

Source: (c) 2002

Rev. Dr. Paula Sunray (1941-2007) founded the National Interfaith Seminary and The New Earth Center for Lightmasters in St. Paul, Minnesota, to fully support the process of becoming a Divine Human. She has assisted many others to fully empower their own true Divine Self. Thank you Paula for your inspiring Presence and for all your teachings. Paula authored many books including "Life Skills For The New Millennium" still available from Amazon Books.

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