Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cancer is a Fungus

Revolutionary research, cancer treatment, and book by Dr. Tulio Simoncini: "Cancer Is A Fungus"

Dr. Simoncini is a medical doctor in Italy specializing in oncology, diabetology, and metabolic disorders. He has written a book called "Cancer Is A Fungus" that details his research and revolutionary success with treatment of cancer.

The book “Cancer is a fungus” describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. The growth of the fungous colonies, together with the reaction of the tissue that tries to defend itself against the invasion, causes the tumour. This is a simple and solely extracellular phenomenon.

Therefore, there is only one cause of cancer: candida, which, according to the anatomical branch concerned causes different histological reactions. This is the reason why there are so many types of tumours.

At the moment, sodium bicarbonate (in a solution of 5% or 8.4%) is the only remedy capable of making the tumours disappear completely. In order to get the maximum of damaging effect, the sodium bicarbonate should be brought into direct contact with the tissue. This can be done by bringing a special catheter into the arteries that go to different organs, or by using the conventional endoscopic methods. However, there are several other possibilities: drop infusions, clysters, irrigations and infiltrations where neoplasia may be found.

When sodium bicarbonate is administered in the right way to non-terminal patients, this can make many kinds of tumours disappear within a short time and will often lead to a complete recovery within two months.

Furthermore, it must be emphasised that this substance is harmless and easy to apply. There are some light side effects in only a few cases. Many patients derive benefit from Dr Simoncini’s method and were cured in spite of that mainstream oncology had declared them incurable.

Concluding, we may say that Dr Simoncini’s book signifies a real break with the received oncological tradition, because of its innovation, with which an exact cause of cancer can be indicated. In this way, it is a simple alternative for the excessive studies and experiments, which have not lead to any definitive results.

To Learn More about Dr. Simoncini and Cancer:
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