Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drunvalo: Prophecies from the Heart

Drunvalo Melchizedek and The Prophecies From The Heart

This recent film presents Drunvalo Melchizedek, best known for his contributions to our understanding of the human lightbody (MerKaBa) and sacred geometry, discussing a wide range of topics that are central to our collective and spiritual evolution. Topics include, the origins of Creation from a Melchizedek and Christ perspective, the imminent dimensional change that is upon us, Earth kundalini energy and its effect on human consciousness, the Fibonacci spiral and how life uses it for evolution in the physical plane and an uplifting message for an uncertain humanity as we enter a period of both great change and transformation.

This film will be found controversial for some, uplifting for others. But it provides a fresh perspective on the prophesied coming changes in a way that those who choose to do their own research will find validating. Perhaps most compelling are the indigenous perspectives on entering the heart and our need to learn a non-polarized way of creating our Reality.

The Mayans have retained the cultural memory of the last dimensional shift on the planet 13,000 ago. But they also have the memory of the previous one, 26,000 years ago. This gives them a memory of both ascending and descending cycles of consciousness and what is needed to successfully pass through it. According to the Maya, when these shifts occurred previously, great loss of life was unnecessarily experienced by humanity because they were in fear. The Maya and certain other indigenous cultures said that when one enters into the heart in a certain way, at that time they are able to ride with the shift in consciousness and bring their bodies and memories of the previous cycle (age) with them. They say this is imminently upon us now and they wish to spare the rest of humanity from needlessly repeating what happened before. In addition, they say the old ways of the tribes and indigenous peoples and the way of the so-called “modern” peoples must unite together; that unless we can find a way to honor and respect the planet and re-discover this forgotten aspect of ourselves as an expression of the divine, then neither culture can advance. In other words, we need them as much as they need us.

If you will notice, for the last few decades now, previously secret traditions, knowledge and techniques have been released from various cultures openly to the world. They all say basically the same thing: “Because its time. All the different peoples are in this together and we have a way that has worked for us.” They have released these teachings in order to help the upliftment of a planet that needs to remember whom they are in time to make the leap they say is coming.

Drunvalo Melchizedek uses the ‘Flower of Life’ as a blueprint to explain the many changes that are coming in 2012, and how to be ready to integrate the magnificent transformations that can happen in your life. 2012: The Prophecies From the Heart gives you the keys to unify your mind, heart and spirit and to reach the highest levels of enlightenment by embracing the divine in your life.

The future is not to be feared, it is the natural progression. We are moving toward unity consciousness ... let go and go for the ride.

View It Now On YouTube:

Other Information & Resources:

Those of you who are familiar with Drunvalo Melchizedek know that he was sent to this planet with specific missions to fulfill — and one of them was to assist the Great Mother in a transition process that only comes around every thirteen-thousand years. 'The Serpent of Light' is Drunvalo's account of what it has taken to shift the Kundalini of the planet from the White Pyramid of Tibet to its new home high in the mountains of Chile. The movement of this root force will open the space for the female frequency to reign over the next 13,000-year cycle.

Changes of this magnitude do not happen overnight — and the work that goes into bringing them about is a labor of love — love for all life, everywhere. In his efforts to ease the planet through the Great Shift of the Ages, Drunvalo's labors have taken him all over the world. These magical mystery tours involved working on the inner planes, in specific locations, at specific times, to bring about outer changes that are vital to the Earth's activation process, and to all of us as we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar.

When you open 'The Serpent of Light', be prepared to enter a realm where miraculous events are the order of the day. As you read along your awareness of the miraculous will be heightened by the realization that all of these synchronicities actually happened in real time. Drunvalo's description of each journey reads like a cross between Don Juan, The Lord of the Rings, and an Indiana Jones adventure story — the only difference is, 'The Serpent of Light' isn't a fantasy tale — every word in this book is true.

The people who traveled with Drunvalo, and witnessed these miracles, will be reminded of their contribution to this work, and of things that happened along the way that they may have forgotten about, or were not even aware of at the time. Fortunately, Drunvalo wrote this book, not just for the ones who were there, or for those who follow his teachings, but for everyone — anyone who reads 'The Serpent of Light' will be stirred to the core by wonders that make it clear that there is much more to this reality than meets the eye — and by the realization that something deep is reawakening in the heart of the Great Mother. That same force is alive inside each one of us now. As our hearts open to embrace it, our beautiful planet will move out of the darkness, into the Age of Light.

Anyone who dreams of the possibility of a new and better world will rejoice when they read this book — don't miss 'The Serpent of Light' — it is Drunvalo at his best.

"Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our heart.

"What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind? Don’t I know this world where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens? Yes, I do. But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are.

"You are more than a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious co-creation. If you give me permission, I will show what has been shown to me."

— Drunvalo Melchizedek

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Power, Presence and Healing of the NOW

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
by Eckhart Tolle

To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. From the very first page of this extraordinary book, we move rapidly into a significantly higher altitude where we breather a lighter air. We become connected to the indestructible essence of our Being, "the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death." Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle uses simple language and an easy question-and-answer format to guide us.

Eckhart Tolle is a contemporary spiritual teacher who is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. He writes with the timeless and uncomplicated clarity of the ancient spiritual masters and imparts a simple yet profound message: There is a way out of suffering and into peace. He is the author of Stillness Speaks, and Practicing the Power of Now. He travels widely and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Book Contents:

You Are Not Your Mind
The Greatest Obstacle to Enlightenment
Freeing Yourself From Your Mind
Enlightenment: Rising Above Thought
Emotion: The Body's Reaction to Your Mind

Consciousness: The Way Out of Pain
Create No More Pain in the Present
Past Pain: Dissolving the Pain-Body
Ego Identification with the Pain-Body
The Origin of Fear
The Ego's Search for Wholeness

Moving Deeply into the Now
Don't Seek Your Self in the Mind
End the Delusion of Time
Nothing Exists Outside the Now
The Key to the Spiritual Dimension
Accessing the Power of Now
Letting Go of Psychological Time
The Insanity of Psychological Time
Negativity and Suffering Have Their Roots in Time
Finding the Life Underneath Your Life Situation
All Problems are Illusions of the Mind
A Quantum Leap in the Evolution of Consciousness
The Joy of Being

Mind Strategies for Avoiding the Now
Loss of Now: The Core Delusion
Ordinary Unconsciousness and Deep Unconsciousness
What Are They Seeking?
Dissolving Ordinary Unconsciousness
Freedom From Unhappiness
Wherever You Are, Be There Totally
The Inner Purpose of Your Life's Journey
The Past Cannot Survive In Your Presence

The State of Presence
It's Not What You Think It Is
The Esoteric Meaning of "Waiting"
Beauty Arises in the Stillness of Your Presence
Realizing Pure Consciousness
Christ: The Reality of Your Divine Presence

The Inner Body
Being Is Your Deepest Self
Look Beyond the Words
Finding Your Invisible and Indestructible Reality
Connecting With the Inner Body
Transformation Through the Body
Sermon On the Body
Have Deep Roots Within
Before You Enter the Body, Forgive
Your Link With the Unmanifested
Slowing Down the Aging Process
Strengthening the Immune System
Let the Breath Take You Into the Body
Creative Use of Mind
The Art of Listening

Portals into the Unmanifested
Going Deeply Into the Body
The Source of Chi
Dreamless Sleep
Other Portals
The True Nature of Space and Time
Conscious Death

Enlightened Relationships
Enter the Now from Wherever You Are
Love/Hate Relationships
Addiction and the Search for Wholeness
From Addictive to Enlightened Relationships
Relationships as Spiritual Practice
Why Women are Closer to Enlightenment
Dissolving the Collective Female Pain-Body
Give Up the Relationship with Yourself

Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
The Higher Good Beyond Good and Bad
The End of Your Life Drama
Impermanence and the Cycles of Life
Using and Relinquishing Negativity
The Nature of Compassion
Toward a Different Order of Reality

The Meaning of Surrender
Acceptance of the Now
From Mind Energy to Spiritual Energy
Surrender in Personal Relationships
Transforming Illness Into Enlightenment
When Disaster Strikes
Transforming Suffering Into Peace
The Way of the Cross
The Power to Choose

For More Information:
  • Stillness Speaks
  • A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life's Purpose
  • Oneness With All Life
  • Guardians of Being

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Maya of Eternal Time & The Shift of The Ages

Don Alejandro Cirilo - "Wandering Wolf", the living Dali Lama of the Maya. Don Alejandro is the head of the Mayan Council of Guatemala, which is represented by ALL 440 Mayan tribes in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, the entire Mayan nation. According to Don Alejandro, a 13th generation Mayan shaman, the Maya have not spoken or written a single word with permission from the Mayan Council in 527 years.

To initiate a change in this silence, The Mayan Council brought a global assembly of people from all the continents of the world into sacred ceremony deep in the jungle of Guatemala in November of 2007, and in so doing, began to initiate the whole world into an amazing release of knowledge and wisdom to prepare the planet for a transformation into a new world of Light and realization.

---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
A Message from Drunvalo Melchizedek:

"Honestly, I believe the Maya are about to give this world their most sacred knowledge from their heart to help us along the path of consciousness just as a loving big brother or sister would.

The Maya feel it is their responsibility to let the world be aware of their past experience, their ancient memories around what the date of December 21, 2012 really means.

There are so many people stepping forward from the modern world, who are not Maya, with their books, videos and movies to tell us what the Mayan people know about our immediate future. Now the Maya wish to have a chance to tell their own story straight from their own heart.

I am here only to open the way, as they have asked me to. It is my and the Mayan peoples hope that you will listen. It is definitely to your advantage. At the right time in the future, the leaders of the Mayan people will bring this opening to fruition. You will be there to hear and see their hearts speaking directly to you God willing."

View Drunvalo's Momentous July 29, 2009 Webcast:
This is a web broadcast of Drunvalo Melchizedek sharing about the Mayan Prophecies and 2012. The leader of the Mayan Council of Elders Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez has given his approval to Drunvalo to tell the world what the Mayans themselves have to say about the 2012 prophecies. This is the first time they reveal to the world what they think will happen.

YouTube Videos:

For More Information, please visit:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tools for Cooperative Relationships

Why Do I Want the Relationship I Want...? Think about what you want in a relationship and why you want it. Look for those around you who are experiencing good relationships, and feel appreciation for them. Make lists of the positive aspects of those you have spent time with. . . . In fact, one of the fastest ways to make your way to a wonderful relationship is to find any subject that consistently feels good, and focus on that even if it has nothing to do with relationships. --- Abraham (Excerpted from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships")

"This is the original source material for the current Law of Attraction wave that is sweeping the world, and it is the 21st century inspiration for thousands of books, films, essays and lectures that are responsible for the current paradigm shift in consciousness.

Here you will find accurate clarification of the basics of the Law of Attraction and practical applications as well as up-to-the-moment leading-edge expanding information regarding the Law of Attraction. (Also known as "The Teachings of Abraham")

This is the fountainhead of the information upon which the hit movie, “The Secret” was based.

Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships", will help you understand every relationship you are currently involved in as well as every relationship you have ever experienced.

This book uncovers a myriad of false premises that are at the heart of every uncomfortable relationship issue, and guides you to a clear understanding of the powerful creative Vortex that has already assembled the relationships that you have desired. Abraham will show you how to enter that Vortex, where you will rendezvous with everything and everyone you have been looking for.

Abraham says: "It is our desire to help you to solve the mystery of those seemingly impossible relationships; to sort out the details of joyously sharing your planet with billions of others; to rediscover the beauty of your differences; and, most of all, to reestablish the most important relationship of all: your relationship with the Eternal, Non-Physical Source that is really you."

"It is our desire that you experience an enhanced appreciation of your planet; your body; your family; your friends; your enemies; your government; your systems; your food; your finances; your animals; your work and your play; your purpose; your Source; your Soul; your past, your future, and your present. . . ."

"While you have, deep within you, a desire for harmonious relationships, there is an even stronger, deeper tenet, or basis, of your very Beingness: your desire to be free. And at the basis of your desire to be free is your desire to feel good - and at the basis of your desire to feel good is an unhindered relationship between you and YOU (your higher Source/Self).

"Your sense of 'who-you-really-are' pulses so powerfully within you that you always continue to reach for satisfying relationships, because you understand, at very deep levels, the potential for joy contained in relationships with others. And once you decide that your happiness depends on the intentions, beliefs, or behaviors of no other, but only upon your own alignment - over which you have complete control - then your relationships will not only no longer be uncomfortable, but they will be deeply satisfying."

"When two or more minds come together that are positively focused upon a subject, those two minds are many times more powerful than one-plus-one. And so, the attraction of ideas and solutions goes beyond the sum total of the two individuals. It is truly exhilarating. And it is really what co-creating is all about."

More Information:

Relationships I Don't Want, Clarify Those I Do Want... "Whenever you know what you do not want, you always know more clearly what you do want, so in a poignant moment of awareness of another person's undesirable situation, give your undivided attention to the idea of improvement that has hatched from your interaction/observation. And as you learn to do that, not only will you be of increasing value to others, but you will see how your relationships with others adds immeasurably to your own becoming." --- Abraham

My Thoughts Join a Powerful Swirling Vortex of Attraction... "In the same way that the Law of Attraction is responding to the thoughts, words, and actions that you are offering here in your physical reality, the Law of Attraction is always responding powerfully to your Vibrational Reality. When the Law of Attraction, the Universal manager of all Vibrations, responds to the clarity of Vibration offered by your expanding Inner Being, the result is a powerful swirling Vortex of attraction." --- Abraham

Other Helpful Tools:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

GMO Foods - Health and Environmental Risks Exposed!

Healthy Eating starts with No GMO Food

GMO Health Risks:

Genetically Modified Foods:
YES, you are already eating them.
NO, they are not safe to eat!

Did you know... since 1996 Americans have been eating genetically modified (GM) ingredients in most processed foods.

Did you know... GM plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola have had foreign genes forced into their DNA. And the inserted genes come from species, such as bacteria and viruses, that have never been in the human food supply.

Did you know... genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not safe. They have been linked to thousands of toxic and allergic reactions, thousands of sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ and system studied in lab animals.

Find out what the risks are and start protecting yourself and your family today!

Why isn't the FDA protecting us?

In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration claimed that they had no information showing that GM foods were substantially different from conventionally grown foods and therefore were safe to eat. But internal memos made public by a lawsuit reveal that their position was staged by political appointees under orders from the White House to promote GMOs. FDA scientists, on the other hand, warned that GMOs can create unpredictable hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems. They urged long-tem safety studies, but were ignored. The FDA does not require any safety evaluations for GMOs.

Instead, biotech companies, who have been found guilty of hiding toxic effects of their chemical products, are now in charge of determining whether their GM foods are safe. (The FDA official in charge of creating this policy was Michael Taylor, Monsanto'f former attorney and later their vice president.)

Although these biotech companies participate in a voluntary consultation process with the FDA, it is a meaningless exercise. The summaries of the superficial research they submit cannot identify most of the health risks of GMOs.

Genetic modification is radically different from natural breeding

In contrast to the statements of biotech advocates, FDA scientists and others affirm that genetic modification is NOT just an extension of the conventional breeding techniques that have been used by farmers for millennia. Genetic engineering transfers genes across natural species barriers, using imprecise laboratory techniques that bear no resemblance to natural breeding. Furthermore, the technology is based on outdated concepts of how genes and cells work.

Widespread, unpredictable changes

Gene insertion is done either by shooting genes from a "gene gun" into a plate of cells or by using bacteria to invade the cell with foreign DNA. The altered cell is then cloned into a plant. These processes create massive collateral damage, causing mutations in hundreds or thousands of locations throughout the plant's DNA. Natural genes can be deleted or permanently turned on or off, and hundreds may change their levels of expression.

In addition:
  • The inserted gene is often rearranged;
  • It may transfer from the food into our body's cells or into the DNA of bacteria inside us; and
  • The GM protein produced by the gene may have unintended properties or effects.

GM foods on the market

The primary reason companies genetically engineer plants is to make them tolerant to their brand of herbicide. The four major GM plants, soy, corn, canola, and cotton, are designed to survive an otherwise deadly dose of weed killer. These crops have much higher residues of toxic herbicides. About 68% of GM crops are herbicide tolerant.

The second GM trait is a built-in pesticide. A gene from the soil bacterium called Bt (for Bacillus thuringiensis) is inserted into corn and cotton DNA, where it secretes the insect-killing Bt-toxin in every cell. About 19% of GM crops produce their own pesticide. Another 13% produce a pesticide and are herbicide tolerant.

There is also Hawaiian papaya and a small amount of zucchini and yellow crookneck squash, which are engineered to resist a plant virus.

  • GM Soy causes Allergic Reactions
  • Bt Corn and Cotton linked to Allergies
  • GMOs fail Allergy Tests
  • GMOs cause Immune Reactions to non-GM Foods
  • GMOs cause Liver Problems
  • GM Soy cause Reproductive Problems, and Infant Mortality
  • Bt Crops linked to Sterility, Disease and Death
  • Functioning GM Genes Remain Inside You
  • GM Food Supplement Caused Deadly Epidemic
Help End the Genetic Engineering of Our Food Supply

Start Buying Non-GMO Today!

For More Information:

Other Resources:

Watch it On YouTube:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Live H2O - Concert for the Living Water

LIVE H2O: Concert for the Living Water!
June 19 - 21, 2009 - The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration

The mission of LIVE H2O: Peace, Health & Abundance

Everything is possible with LOVE, faith, and people united in prayer! This 72-hour global event is designed to bring humanity back to unity and security in the name of LOVE, by celebrating Water.

There are three ways for you to participate: 1) Go to the nearest venue; 2) Create your own gathering with friends interacting using LIVEH2O.tv and this "FREE PASS" to the LIVEH2O.tv "Control Room" that links you to streaming video broadcasts from around the world; and 3) Produce your own experience by "surfing" the streaming video, singing, praying, and chanting with multitudes of warm hearts connected online.

That's right! Even if you are home alone, everyone is invited to celebrate LIVE H2O, especially during the global prayer on Sunday, June 21st, at 6PM Pacific Standard Time. So mark your calendar now, and tell everyone you know to do the same. Let's co-create a "Global Baptism" during the greatest spiritual concert in history--all for the LOVE of Water!

DRUM, PRAY and CHANT with the World, . . .

Share in the "LOVE WATER EXPERIMENT". . . . SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2009. Now with 2 Services Scheduled. Click here to join.

Heart Connections

For 72 hours, human hearts worldwide will “marry” the “Universal Solvent” Water, using the “Universal Language” Music, to produce the “Universal Healer” LOVE. Celebrities, authors, film-makers, recording artists, spiritual teachers, and religious leaders from all cultures will be our guides gracing nine main stages internationally at venues adjacent important bodies of Water. These programs will be streamed “live” in high definition and available for FREE by clicking on LIVEH2O.tv or the logo below.

For the first time in history, viewers worldwide will interact freely, singing, chanting, and praying together to produce urgently needed planetary redirection, accelerating the advancing Spiritual Renaissance. Geopolitics and economics cannot continue on a crash course to extinction, so LIVE H2O is heralding available solutions to civilization's most pressing problems.

Healing the World from Within

Here you will engage the power of Water - "Creative Juice" - to transform, restore, and sustain health, energy, peace, and prosperity in all ways.

Two days of education and musical celebration will change the world simply by expanding awareness about these many miracles Water performs eternally without thanks. You will be far more grateful to Water, respect this life-sustainer and universal re-maker, than ever before.

Health-enhancing and life-extending knowledge about Water and music"hydrosonics"is now available. Music is the “universal language,” and how it operates within your body Water, and your DNA, to sustain you is revolutionizing numerous fields of science.

LOVE is the “universal healer,” and Water the “universal solvent.” Put them together and you have the best-kept secret in history—a truth so freeing it shall surely hasten the Spiritual Renaissance and, with your loving heart involved, restore and sustain "heaven on earth" for our children and future generations.

Why we are asking musicians to retune their instruments to 528Hz for LIVE H2O:

If you have ever felt the pure joy of true LOVE in your heart, you have felt 528Hz frequency. How do we know this? Our team comprised of many of the world's leading mathematicians and physicists have advanced sufficient evidence to make this claim. 528Hz is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” This LOVE vibration harmonically resonates in your heart inaudibly connecting your spiritual essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth.

In fact, 528Hz frequency is fundamental to the laws of physics.
There is nothing missing or broken in this loving perfection. When you are in it, you are in tune with your creative spirit, and everything just flows in perfect rhythm and rhyme. 528 cycles-per-second, math science proves, is central to Pi, PHI, and the Fibonacci series. This “LOVE tone” frequency, more than any other, epitomizes the unified field of musical metaphysics in the matrix of the spiraling fractal universe.

Apparently, our Creator uses this central broadcasting channel to musically conduct the universal symphony governing reality. Indeed, 528Hz is at the heart of everything. It is the difference between making love versus war; living in FAITH vs. FEAR (i.e., false evidence appearing real); and expressing your full prayer power. It is the central force driving bioenergy and longevity. It is the harmonic vibration of self-esteem or self-LOVE that lifts heart and divine voices in heavenly harmony.

Join the prayer on Sunday, June 21, 2009 and gain the “power of 528 to set everything straight.”

The goals of The Drumming Ceremony

Native traditions include drumming as a way to heighten spiritual energy and the positive impact of heart-felt loving intention. Gather drums and drummers on Sunday, June 21, 2009 to begin the global drumming ceremony FOUR HOURS prior to the "LOVE Water Experiment"--the global prayer for lasting peace, world health, and universal prosperity. This, our geophysics experts tell us, will significantly increase the impact of our prayer. The global drumming ceremony will be led by GrandMother Drum, an amazingly powerful healing instrument, played by White Eagle Medicine Woman.

More Info:

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Celestine Insights


A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.


This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life's coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet, and the real nature of our universe.


We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction...where attention goes, energy flows...influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives.


Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy and so feel weak and insecure. To gain energy we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce, human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.


Insecurity and violence ends when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by mystics of all traditions. A sense of lightness--buoyancy--along with the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection. If these measures are present, the connection is real. If not, it is only pretended.


The more we stay connected, the more we are acutely aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress. In these times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others. Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant and we can discover our own growth path in life, and our spiritual mission--the personal way we can contribute to the world.


Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question; then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us towards the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.


We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships. Uplifting others is especially effective in groups where each member can feel energy of all the others. With children it is extremely important for their early security and growth. By seeing the beauty in every face, we lift others into their wisest self, and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message.


As we all evolve toward the best completion of our spiritual missions, the technological means of survival will be fully automated as humans focus instead on synchronistic growth. Such growth will move humans into higher energy states, ultimately transforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension of existence with the after-life dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death.


The Tenth Insight is the realization that throughout history human beings have been unconsciously struggling to implement this lived spirituality on Earth. Each of us comes here on assignment, and as we pull this understanding into consciousness, we can remember a fuller birth vision of what we wanted to accomplish with our lives. Further we can remember a common world vision of how we will all work together to create a new spiritual culture. We know that our challenge is to hold this vision with intention and prayer everyday.


The Eleventh Insight is the precise method through which we hold the vision. For centuries, religious scriptures, poems, and philosophies have pointed to a latent power of mind within all of us that mysteriously helps to affect what occurs in the future. It has been called faith power, positive thinking, and the power of prayer. We are now taking this power seriously enough to bring a fuller knowledge of it into public awareness. We are finding that this prayer power is a field of intention, which moves out from us and can be extended and strengthened, especially when we connect with others in a common vision. This is the power through which we hold the vision of a spiritual world and build the energy in ourselves and in others to make this vision a reality.

Reaching Heaven on Earth is why we are here!

Based on James Redfield's worldwide best-selling novel, The Celestine Prophecy is a spiritual adventure film chronicling the discovery of ancient scrolls in the rainforests of Peru. The prophecy and its nine key insights predict a worldwide awakening, arising within all religious traditions, that moves humanity toward a deeper experience of spirituality.

Global Prayer Project
Prayer, Meditation & Discussion
with James & Salle Redfield

By seeing the beauty
in every face,
we lift others into
their wisest self,
and increase the
chances of hearing a
synchronistic message.

To Learn More:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Enhancing Life Energy and Creativity


Here is an excellent TOOL to help enhance your life energy and creativity, and to stay strong and healthy in your life and in your body as we progress towards 2012 and beyond.

This invaluable TOOL was developed by Dr. John Diamond, a Pioneer of "Body Muscle Testing." He founded Behavioral Kinesiology and Energy Medicine.

Muscle Testing can be used to test your body for the things that help make your body strong, healthful, and full of life, such as food, supplements, treatments, habits, thoughts, etc. And alternatively, you can also test for those things that make your body go weak, and make you loose health and vitality. Ask your Health Practitioner to use Muscle Testing in their practice to help you make better choices for Life, Health, Vitality and Longevity.

To learn how to do Muscle Testing for your own Body, there are several links included below to help get you started. It is best to learn with another person, or a group of people if possible.

Peace and Blessings

The Homing Thought

By John Diamond, M.D. (Pioneer and Founder of Behavioral Kinesiology and Energy Medicine)

When I was a youngster growing up in Australia, I often went surfing at the Sydney beaches. Whenever there was a big wave coming, my friends and I would dive for the sand at the bottom of the water and hold on to that sand with our fingertips. The wave would pass over, and we would come up to the surface. The water would now be perfectly calm, but on all sides, there would be scattered surfboards, and people sputtering for breath and spitting out water. We had learned that as soon as we were faced with this situation of stress, we could dive down, grab on to our securing handhold, and hang on to our ‘rock’ until the stress passed.

There is a rock that each of us can have all the time throughout our lives. That rock is what I call the homing thought.

The homing thought of a young man called Peter was that he would someday be a recording star singing religious hymns in church. I demonstrated that if I pushed him, shook him, threatened him or made sudden noises, he would lose life energy. But as long as he held on to his homing thought, no stress could weaken him.

Peter learned to keep this thought in his mind as often as possible. This homing thought was more complex than his immediate goal of obtaining a psychological counseling job. His homing thought was his purpose in life. As long as he held on to that purpose – and this is greater than a goal – he could be severely stressed and yet remain strong.

I call it the homing thought because it reminds me of an airplane pilot who is lost in a storm. He turns on his direction finder and tunes in to his homing beacon, which guides him safely home. We each can have this homing beacon for our lives, and this is the homing thought. It holds us steadfast on our course.

Herbert Read’s ‘Unamuo’s Comment on Don Quixote’ is one of the best descriptions I have encountered of the homing thought:

In saying “I know who I am,” Don Quixote said only “I know what I will be!” That is the hinge of all human life: to know what one wills to be. Little ought you to care who you are; the urgent thing is what you will be. The being that you are is but an unstable, perishable being, which eats of the earth and which the earth some day will eat; what you will to be is the idea of you in God, the Consciousness of the universe; it is the divine idea of which you are the manifestation in time and space. And your longing impulse toward the one you will to be is only homesickness drawing you toward your divine home. Man is complete and upstanding only when he would be more than man.

We can all develop our homing thoughts. To begin to find yours, sit down and list some of the things that you would really like to be. Of course, these will differ from in individual to individual. You may wish to be a priest, a horticulturalist or a seamstress. You may see yourself walking through life in a monk’s habit like Saint Francis of
Assisi. In your mind, you may be conducting music or playing the piano. It need not matter to anyone else – it is your homing thought. Just sit down and write down some of the possibilities to which you aspire.

As we go through life, our thinking, our desires, our aspirations and our sense of purpose all evolve and change. That is to be expected. But write down what you think are some of the most likely choices that you would work for at the moment. And then, one by one, test them. Think of each one very clearly in your mind to yourself. Picture it as vividly as you can. Hold on to one image of your homing thought and imagine yourself being stressed by something. You should be able to tell which one homing thought above all others will keep you centered, be your rock. When you find your homing thought, you will be much less vulnerable to the effects of stress.

Any sudden stress – even thinking about a stress – depletes the life energy if the subject is uncentered. This weakness, this vulnerability to stress, can be overcome through the use of the homing thought.

Recommended Book:

This book is a classic of its kind. Although it is probably best known for its discussion of the kinesiological muscle test, it is ultimately more important for showing that stimuli, whether physical or otherwise, effect our Life Energy constantly for better or worse. Furthermore, these effects tend to be the same for all observers: unconsciously, this painting, that food and so on all effect us the same, regardless of what we think in our conscious minds. This, of course, is a remarkable discovery, and the implications of it have been explored more fully by Dr. Diamond in many of his subsequent works. In short, this has to be one of the most important health books of the twentieth century.

To Learn More:
Dr. John Diamond's Website:

Free Online Articles by Dr. John Diamond:

Dr. John Diamond, MD

Behavioral Kinesiology

(Source: http://www.livingtouch.com/34/behavioral-kinesiology/)

Behavioral Kinesiology was developed by John Diamond based on the philosophy of Applied Kinesiology.

Each muscle is believed to be related to a particular organ, but a special focus is put on the thymus gland that plays a key role in regulating a person’s psychic energy.
Behavioral Kinesiology assesses and evaluates the effects of all stimuli on the body, internal and external, in order to arrive at a new understanding of the body energy system.
The degree of stress under which a patient is functioning is assessed and a rebalancing of the body energy is facilitated by showing the patient how to reduce stress and how to correct emotional attitudes.
The Five Principles of Behavioral Kinesiology
  1. All disease is seen as resulting from stress, causing an imbalance in the body. The reduction of stress and the associated emotional attitudes are of utmost importance.
  2. Primary prevention – prevention before illness sets in, be it mental or physical – plays an essential role.
  3. The patient has to take charge of his own treatment. The role of the Behavioral Kinesiologist is merely that of a teacher, showing the patient how to alter his behavioral pattern in order to reduce stress and thus leading him back to a healthy state.
  4. Great natural healing forces exist within us and around us that set in once stress is reduced and behavior is corrected. Synthetic drugs are seen as unnatural methods that diminish life energy, retard the healing process, and do not help to reduce stress or correct the behavioral problems.
  5. All problems begin at the energy level and corrections are only possible at that level.
Behavioral Kinesiology Treatment
Behavioral Kinesiology is based on the theory that if we are using or thinking something that is good for us, our muscles will be stronger and if we are using or thinking something that is bad for us, our muscles will be weaker. Now, how is the muscle strength tested?
The client stands erect, his right arm relaxed at his side, his left arm held out parallel to the floor with the elbow straight and both hands open. The practitioner faces the client and places his left hand on his right shoulder to steady him. He then puts his right hand on the client’s extended arm just above the wrist. Now, he tells the client that he is going to try to push his arm down as he resists. He quickly and firmly pushes down on the arm, just hard enough to test the spring and bounce in the arm, but not so hard that the muscle becomes fatigued.
As thoughts and intentions are powerful, both the practitioner and the client should try to stay open and curious about what will be discovered with each muscle test. They should try to avoid to prove anything or to verify some assumptions about the likely result of the test.
The Behavioral Kinesiology muscle testing allows the practitioner and the client to get to the core of the stressor very quickly, and then to release the true cause of the problem gently and effectively.
Applied Kinesiology:
"Applied Kinesiology, AK" was founded in 1964 by the American chiropractor George Goodheart and is now used by chiropractors, osteopaths, medical doctors, dentists and others with a license to diagnose. Dr. George Goodheart found that evaluation of normal and abnormal body function could be accomplished by using muscle tests. Since the original discovery, the principle has broadened to include evaluation of the nervous, vascular, and lymphatic systems, nutrition, acupuncture, and cerebrospinal fluid function. The international organization of Applied Kinesiology is called International College of Applied Kinesiology. (Source: http://www.kinesiology.net/kinesiology.asp)

To Learn More:
Recommended Book:
The Ultimate Healing System: The Illustrated Guide To Muscle Testing & Nutrition by Donald Lepore, ND
Dr. LePore describes his completely holistic healing system, based on Biokinesiology diagnosis and drugless therapies which include vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, herbs, amino acids, cell salts and bath therapy.
The Ultimate Healing System is a comprehensive guide to biokinesiology and nutritional therapy. The LePore Technique includes therapy with vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids and homeopathic remedies. This easy-to-understand, fully-illustrated guide is a must for anyone interested in alternative healing.
Recommended Book:
Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins, MD

The following is excerpted from the book Power vs Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins: Details of Kinesiologic Testing.
Scientific validity depends upon replicability. To ensure reliable duplication of results, the kinesiologic testing techniques used for all of the research cited in this book [Power vs Force] is described in detail below. It's essentially the same method developed by Dr. John Diamond in his pioneering work, Behavioral Kinesiology.
Step 1
Two people are required (see note). To determine the suitability of a test subject, the tester presses down quickly with two fingers on the wrist of the horizontally extended arm of the subject, simultaneously telling them to "resist" (against the downward pressure). A normal subject is able to resist the pressure and keep their arm extended parallel to the ground.
Occasionally, there are people who are unable to keep their arm extended when any downward pressure is applied due to previous contact with weakening energy fields or negative health conditions; these aren't suitable test subjects. Some of these subjects can recover by thumping themselves over the Thymus gland (at the top of the breastbone) in a "one-two-three" rhythm, while they smile and think of someone they love. They'll then "go strong" and respond normally, but the "fix" may last for only four hours and this "thymus thump" will then have to be repeated.
(Note: Some people are able to get good results just by themselves by making an "O" ring with their thumb and forefinger. When the results are "true," the "O" is strong and it's difficult to pull the thumb and forefinger apart; a "no" makes them relatively weak and easy to separate. If an important decision is to be made, it's best to verify the answer by the 2-person method described above.)
Step 2
Keep the testing situation impersonal -- refrain from smiling or making personal comments; keep the environment free of noise, background music, or distractions such as pets, or intrusive children. Remove metal objects, such as eyeglass frames, from the test subject's body midline. Also remove watches or jewelry (including necklaces). Be aware that aberrant stimuli, such as a tester's perfume or aftershave lotion, may affect the test results. To improve concentration, have the test subject close their eyes.
Step 3
If subjects repeatedly go weak, evaluate the examiner's voice. The voice that makes others go weak disqualifies its owner as a tester under ordinary conditions.
Step 4
Do a trial run with the prospective subject. Ask the candidate to think of someone they love, then press down with two fingers on the wrist of the arm extended out to the side, parallel to the ground. A normal subject will go quite strong and be able to resist firmly. Next, have the party think of someone they hate, fear, or have resentment toward. ( Aldolf Hitler will alternative work) A normal subject will go very weak and be unable to resist downward pressure on their wrist. Run through a few more contrasting pairs of stimuli to establish consistency or response and to develop a rapport between tester and subject. Some sample ideological, visual, and auditory stimuli with predictable responses are:
Test Weak .................... Test Strong
Swastika........................American Flag
Joseph Stalin..................Mahatma Gandhi
Gangster rap music.........Classical Music
Step 5
After establishing that the test subject reacts reliably and is in a normal state, proceed with the topic under investigation by making declarative statements. Questions should always be posed as a declaration of fact; it's useless to ask questions about the future, as the test results will have no reliability. Always preface the investigation with the statement,
"I have permission to make inquiry into _____________________ (the specific topic)." (yes/no?)
The line of questioning itself can be checked by stating, "This is the correct form for the question." (yes/no?)
The statement -- such as "The accused committed the burglary." (yes/no?) -- may be made by either the questioner or the test subject.
Each time a question is stated, the test subject is told to resist and the tester presses down quickly with two fingers on the test subject's extended wrist.
In our research, we frequently used teams of test subjects. For example, 20, 30 or up to 1,000 people were divided into two-person teams who took turns as tester and test subject. The entire group was asked the same question at the same time, or was divided into subgroups for independent research projects. In a group of 100 people (50 two-person teams), perhaps one or two will have difficulty obtaining the same results as the others. They can be taken aside to do the "thymus thump" [described in Step 1], which will return their responses to normal, and they can then rejoin the group.
Using the above method, test results are 100 percent replicable over the course of time so that any group of people anywhere will always produce the same results; for example, the image of Adolph Hitler will make everybody go weak, even if they've never heard of him or think that he's a great national hero.
Step 6
The test can also be performed by holding test objects next to solar plexus of the test subjects. They'll be found to go weak in response to artificial sweetener, pesticides, or even a picture of Hitler concealed in a manila envelope. They'll go strong in response to nutritious food, beneficial medicines and nutrients, a concealed picture of Abraham Lincoln, and so on.
Step 7
Test results can be verified to be independent of the test subject's knowledge, opinions, belief systems, or attitudes. For example, an image of Nelson Mandela will make all test subjects to strong, even racists who resent him. The music of Bach makes everyone go strong, even if they don't like it, just as heavy metal music makes all subjects go weak, even if they personally prefer it.
This confirmability of results by thousands of clinicians using kinesiology in their everyday clinical practices or for research. The results, in fact, are more consistent than conventional diagnostic methods used in traditional medicine (that is, a weak heart never tests strong with kinesiology, but may give an erroneous normal EKG tracing -- this is a well known fact).