Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wisdom for Heart & Soul - Inspiring Articles by Michele Mayama


Three Ways To Tap Into Your Soul's Wisdom
by Michele Mayama

I AM OFTEN ASKED what I do in my private practice. My short answer is that “I listen to souls.” The foundation of my practice is that I trust that each soul is wise and that each person knows his or her own path to fulfillment. That wisdom is always present, yet it can be overwhelmed--drowned out by competing information, conditioning, advice, or beliefs that give power to external authorities to determine what one feels is real or true. As children, that soul knowing may not have been given much acknowledgement or credibility, especially if the knowing pointed to what was held in the family's unconscious field or to a “less physical” dimension of reality. Sometimes, the soul's awareness is pushed into a person's unconscious and only surfaces through dreams, emotions, or manifestations of discomfort or disease within the body. Since the body cannot lie, it often materializes our soul's cry for attention so we can choose to realign with what will bring us into greater integrity with our path to fulfillment.

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LOVE'S MANY FACES: Compassion, Appreciation, Love

Play In The Fields Of Living Love
by Michele Mayama

WE LIVE IN AN age of transformation and change. And I am a Shift Facilitator. My role has been to join with the souls of people and organizations who are choosing to consciously move through processes of healing, change, and restructuring. We usually begin our time together with a stated issue, concern, or physical symptom. Then the process seems to magically unfold, like the petals of a flower opening in an orchestrated sequence, revealing layers of wisdom, and/or guidance that open much larger doorways than the stated issue implied. I am continuously surprised and awed by the precision and clarity that emerges from within each individual or group soul I am privileged to meet. This opening is not accidental and does not require years of work to attain. In this space, I'd like to pass on the not-so-secret process that I use to begin each personal session, group, or class. In my daily life, I use this process personally to consciously participate in creating my own experiences.

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Uncover Your Map For Change
by Michele Mayama

AS WE ENTER THIS new cycle of 2005, I'd like to share some thoughts about the process of transformation or change. In its simplest definition, the word "transformation" means changing the form of something. An example might be water. It transforms its form from liquid to gas or from liquid to solid depending upon its temperature. We take that kind of physical transformation for granted. However, when we enter a process that calls for us to change the forms of our own life, our personal expression, our possessions, or relationships, we may find the call to transform ourselves more challenging.

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Four Ways To Stay Centered, Balanced
by Michele Mayama

UNLIKE PREVIOUS GENERATIONS, WE live in a time of intense transformation and constant change, whereas our grandparents may have lived in the same home and shopped at a local general store. We have all varieties of x-marts, innumerable malls, and the worldwide web. Older generations created routines and lived in a daily and weekly rhythm with an understanding that it was not good to upset the apple cart. We have calendars that fill with a variety of commitments and each week unfolds in its own way.

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Accept Life's Gifts Of Beauty, Harmony, Simplicity
by Michele Mayama

THE THEME OF THIS month's issue is Beauty, Harmony, and Simplicity. Each of these qualities is unique and multi-faceted. Yet, for me they feel intertwined and intimately related. Beauty is often something I perceive visually through my eyes and third eye, and poetry, design, and color are its descriptive language. Harmony is related to resonance and vibration, exquisite when tuned, and excruciating when out of tune. It is heard or sensed through my ears and throat chakra, and music, symbol, and spoken word give it expression. Simplicity is of the heart and is essential to my soul. It allows me the space to feel all of what is entering my experience and field. If there is no space, I cannot take in the gifts of beauty or harmony fully enough into my soul to allow them to touch and open my own gifts. The inner merging of gifts allows the possibility of conception, the forming of a new expression or gift that my soul longs to express to continue the experience of gifting as I have been gifted.

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Choose To Be Free From The Past
by Michele Mayama

WHENEVER I SIT WITH someone in the context of healing, I am drawn into an adventure within consciousness. Their souls direct my attention into their energetic bodies which hold all of the memories and adaptations from this life as well as overlays and imprints of past lives. As we move deeper into the process, I am able to perceive how trauma, fear, unmet needs, or old conditioning and conclusions about themselves have taken form within their consciousness. Most of the time these structures remain at unconscious levels and the person goes on with their lives unaware that their emotions, reactions, and experiences are governed by patterning that they have the power to open and change.

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Reconnect With Your Natural Design For Joy
by Michele Mayama

JOY IS A SPONTANEOUS living response to being in alignment with one's soul. Each soul is unique, so what is joy-full for one person may not feel the same to another. Since most of us have been conditioned since birth to focus outside of ourselves to fulfill our needs, to satisfy longings, or to achieve success, we can get caught in a never ending quest for true joy and happiness. We may experience brief moments of satisfaction, but much of the time, we just feel pushed to keep striving. How can we align with our soul so that we can experience greater and more consistent joy and fulfillment?

Read full article here:


For Michele's current channelings, please visit Michele's website at:

Click here to go to Part One

Click here to go to Part Three